Features index

Tones of Features.
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Extended header Settings.

Extended header options like you never had before. Four diferent layouts, height, alignment, hover settings and more…

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Page Builder.

Elise Theme includes amazing Drag & Drop Page Builder – WPBakery Visual Composer. This Plugin gives your powerful control over you Page with no programming knowledge required. Page Builder includes build-in and specially designed shorcodes for this theme.

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Advanced Styling Settings.

Unlimited color possibilities allows you to create your perfect website without any coding knowledge. Set custom color schemes for almost all theme elements in few seconds.

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Advanced Typography Settings.

Take full control over your Typography. With few simple clicks you can change your website style with new fonts. You have access to whole Google Fonts Directory with quick preview.

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Layout Options.

Follow new trends and pick one of few perfectly designed theme layouts – wide, boxed or bordered. Take full control on dimensions, background and usability settings. It is that simple.

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Mobile Navigation Settings.

Pick one of two beautifully designed mobile navigation. Sidebar or full window with – trendy design. You can also set it as your primary or secondary navigation opened with modern ‘hamburger button’.

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More Features

10+ Blog Styles

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

10+ Portfolio Layouts

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

25+ Header Variations

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

2 Mobile Navigation Designs

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

40+ Built-it Shortcodes

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

Unlimited Sidebars.

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

Translation and RTL Ready.

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

Unlimited Possibilities.

Cras sed tellus orci. In vehicula, lectus in pellentesque tempor, velit turpis vestibulum nisi, vel iaculis libero quam nec mi.

Are you Sold? Buy this amazing theme today!